After receiving all of our Covid vaccinations and boosters, and after dodging the bullet for four years, my husband and I both finally succumbed to that insidious virus, this past week. I can only guess how ill we would have been had we not been fully vaccinated.The good and the bad of us falling ill within a day of one another:
Good—we don’t have to quarantine apart from each other.
Bad—we’re both too sick to look after each other the way we’d like to, although our two dogs are doing their best with nursing duties—mostly holding us down in our chairs for our own good! And neither of us can go to the store for supplies. (We’ve had generous offers from family and friends to shop for us and drop things off on our front porch. And we were allowed to mask up and receive our doctors’ RX meds curbside at our local pharmacy.)

Having now become part of the Covid family, it occurs to me how odd it is that a microscopic germ is the one thing that has made the world a smaller place. I’m not sure there is a country on the planet that hasn’t been touched by this virus. It has spread illness and death throughout humankind. I think there are very few of us left who have not been directly touched by it, either in our own homes or the homes of family and friends. One would hope that such a shared experience would bring us all closer together in heart and in spirit. Alas, that does not seem to be the case…

My challenge to you (and to myself) is to absorb the knowledge that all of us Earthlings are both fragile and strong creatures. We can all be felled by a tiny, invisible enemy. We can all rise to the challenge of caring for one another as we live out our collective lives on the only home we have—this beautiful, vulnerable planet Earth.
Thanks for stopping by. Y’all come back, now! (And please stay well.)